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Per Pan

These are prices per pan and tray only. Additional costs such as delivery and serving will apply.

Racks and Heating Fuels Not Included. Available for Purchase

*Prices are subject to change, unless signed upon*

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Plates, Cups, Silverware, Napkins

25 Guests $50
50 Guests $100

75 Guests $150
100 Guests $175
150 Gue
sts $200

(Lemonade, Water, Sweet Tea, Coffee)

  • Onsite: 

    • 10-50 People  $50

    • 51-100 People $75

    • 101+ People $100

    • Bottled Drinks $1.25 per bottle 

    • If purchasing drinks for onsite, please keep in mind, that drinks leave, when we leave. Unless bottled is purchased.

  • Drop-Off​

    • $1.25 per bottle.

    • Coffee not included.


Heating Racks and Fuel
$15 Per Hot Item

Serving Utensils
$15 Per Order

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