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How it Works

STEP 1: 

  • Email us at to set up your Delivery Date and Time of your Sale. (Delivery has a $50 charge. Pick Up is FREE)

  • Order Forms and Sale Confirmation will be emailed to you. Print the number of order forms you need! These will come in handy in the next step.


STEP 2: 

  • Fill out your Order Forms with your dates and selling prices.

  • Distribute Forms to all the Sellers. Make sure they all know the dates to hand the Order Forms back to you. 


STEP 3: 

  • Gather all Order Forms back from your sellers TWELVE DAYS BEFORE the scheduled delivery date. 

  • Submit your order TEN DAYS BEFORE you delivery date. 

  • Delivery and Pick Up date; Be ready to receive or pick up!


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